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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today shared the "Replay 2024" playlist with Apple Music subscribers, allowing you to start tracking all of the songs you've been streaming so far this year. Just like the past few years, this playlist ranks a total of 100 songs based on how many times you've listened to them.


"Replay 2024" will update every week with the newest order of your most-listened-to tracks. By the time 2024 ends, the playlist provides an overall look at your music history for the year.

Once you've listened to enough music to generate the playlist, you'll find it at the bottom of the Listen Now tab in ‌Apple Music‌ on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. There's also a more detailed version of the data tracking feature on Apple Music for the web, including most streamed artists and albums, and statistics for detailed play counts and hours listened.

Apple has been making its yearly Replay playlists available since 2019. Spotify Wrapped has been dominating this area of the music streaming business for a few years now, mainly thanks to its easily shareable infographics that come out in early December. In addition to Replay playlists, in 2022 Apple introduced a "Highlight Reel" feature with more statistics about each users' listening history at the end of the year.

Head to the ‌‌Apple Music‌‌ app or Apple Music on the web to add the Replay 2024 playlist to your library. If you haven't listened to enough music yet in 2024, the playlist may not appear in your ‌Apple Music‌ app. Once you do listen to more music, you should see your Replay 2024 playlist appear as usual in the Listen Now tab.

(Thanks, Guille!)

Article Link: Apple Music 'Replay 2024' Playlist Now Available
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macrumors 601
Mar 25, 2008
Not seeing it yet on my end. I'm able to use the link above but then when it wants to open in Apple Music it's not there.


macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
Alas, you're still not able to share it in any meaningful way...

It baffles me as to why Apple won't create something shareable like Spotify, because it's a great way to drum up visibility and positive excitement on social media. 🤷‍♂️


macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2007
I'm still not sure i've listened to more than 4-5 songs this year. Might be lucky if i've even listened to more than 1 in full.

When you originally made music for a living - it's not relaxing hearing it, you listen analytically and you get bored quickly and it takes up a lot of your mind. I can't really do background music unless it really is background music (eg not day time radio that is distracting pop songs). When I listen I really enjoy music. But I have to be in the mood and have the headspace to listen. Most of the time i opt for talking or white noise, it's easier for my head!
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macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
Like always it says I should "start listening" but this time I'm seeing a progress bar stuck at 10% for my 2023 list which is new. I listen to Apple Music basically every day since launch and every year it's the same thing. Except at some random point I did get my 2015 list. Listening history is enabled.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 19, 2022
I hope they make a Better version of Apple Music Replay this year.

Spotify's Apple Music Wrapped is better.
(Apple Music Subscriber btw)


macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2020
Almost a month later and mine FINALLY updated.
That being said, it’s still only going back to ‘22 despite actually having started in 2018.
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