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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today announced the launch of two new personalized radio stations that are available to Apple Music subscribers. The "Love" and "Heartbreak" stations come just in time for Valentine's Day. The songs that are available through each station are tailored to each user's taste, featuring preferred artists and similar recommendations.


According to Apple, the Love Station includes songs about romantic love, falling in love, feeling amorous, and the feelings of these experiences. The Heartbreak Station includes songs about heartbreak, unrequited love, breaking up, and sad love.

Apple says that these new stations are "deeply personalized" and designed to offer up the best music for each listener. The stations are continually updated to provide an endless stream of music that fits within the theme.

The Love and Heartbreak stations can be accessed via the Stations for You section on the Listen Now page.

Article Link: Apple Music Launches New 'Love' and 'Heartbreak' Personalized Stations for Valentine's Day


Feb 7, 2024
Im gonna stay with funeral doom and death metal, although I have introduced myself to neoclassical darkwave recently and Im in love. Especially songs that has a violin, those strings can destroy my very soul at any time.
  • Haha
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macrumors member
Jul 31, 2018
So, like software releases.

Love: Tim Apple announces several bug fixes, new and improved features for the next version of iOS
Heartbreak: More bugs found, battery life issues, features don't come out until x.3 release

**ducking rotten tomatoes and heads of lettuce**
And rainbow emojis


macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2020
San Jose, CA
I bet that Heartbreak station will be popular tomorrow. ;)

I'm not seeing the new stations. I'm in the listen now tab and there are not there.
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  • Haha
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macrumors member
Sep 20, 2012
Could Apple also make a third playlist "Stop bugging me with your capitalistic representation of love".

Whether you're happy or sad, single or in couple, this whole hammering about how and what you should do or be on a specific day is sickening.

> It's Valentine's day! Everyone should either be happy and horny or sad and depressed.
> It's Black History Month! Everyone should be supportive and care about Black People (disclaimer: I live in a country where the population is highly mixed since a long time ago and nobody cares like in the US, it's becoming very difficult to classify someone as a minority based on the skin color, it's just a normal thing like hair colors.)
> It's Pride day! Everyone should embrace the rainbow flag it's so pretty! Colors everywhere! Well no. For color blind people, this rainbow looks like crap with out of place colors and colors that look the same. 1/10th of the population suffers from one form or another of color blindness. Should we get a color blind day as well ? Yay it's black and white day! All songs should be about grays, and Apple TV will have 50 shades of gray marathon event. Wait... no, that's a bad idea.

Some people just want to live their life without being constantly reminded they're not following or part of the trends.
  • Wow
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