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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

An all-new "Heavy Rotation Mix" playlist today rolled out on Apple Music, providing a convenient way for users to see and listen to a personalized collection of songs that they listen to most.


The Heavy Rotation Mix features 25 songs and joins the Favorites Mix, Get Up! Mix, Chill Mix, New Music Mix, and Friends Mix. Unlike the pre-existing personalized playlists which are all updated on a weekly basis, Heavy Rotation is updated daily, allowing it to evolve as your listening habits change.

Apple Music users can listen to their own Heavy Rotation Mix and add it to their library by navigating to Listen Now, where it appears under Top Picks.

The Heavy Rotation Mix is the latest feature to join Apple Music after a series of small upgrades in recent months. Earlier in February, Apple launched a monthly Apple Music Replay experience, as well as new "Love" and "Heartbreak" personalized radio stations. Apple Music also seems to be testing a service to import a music library from other streaming services.

Article Link: Apple Music Gains Personalized 'Heavy Rotation Mix' Playlist
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macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2013
I know, I know...Spotify did (insert thing here________) years ago, and so on...
Still, as an Apple Music user, I'm glad to see these small improvements.
I hope that with all the rumoured iOS 18 featuers, we'll see even cooler things with Apple Music.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2022

No car for you.

But here’s a heavy rotation Apple Music playlist.

you’re welcome.
To be fair, I don’t think the same teams were working on both products.

That said, I’d rather have a playlist of favorites I haven’t listened to in a few months. My personal station seems to play the same rotation of songs over and over again.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
Amazon music is a better product than Apple music

You heard it here first folks.
I have used Amazon Music for at least 4 years now, I just switched to Apple Music. A major part of the change was the classical music selection. I do find the algorithms better for regular music that I listen to with Apple Music better as well, hear more stuff I have not heard before. Amazon has a great selection but would find I would be hearing the same thing a lot of the time. I don't think you can go wrong with either service, but that little difference convinced me to cancel my Amazon Music subscription and continue on with Apple Music once the 3 months trial is over.


macrumors demi-god
Mar 15, 2008
Before streaming I found that iTunes already did some kind of personalised playback. I had a Mac mini server in use as a all-day music player for my Airport Express speaker set. It was set to shuffle my large music library that contained a mix of ripped CD's and tracks from the iTunes Store. While it was set to shuffle iTunes didn't really play that random. It appeared to pick each track loosely based on the previous and the time of day, as if there really was a virtual DJ.
Combined with the audio processing plugin "VolumeLogic" iTunes created an almost perfect personal radio station without the narcissistic DJ talk and rotten commercials. :cool:


macrumors 68000
Jun 7, 2015
In the 00s iTunes was THE digital music store.

Now Apple Music seems like the last agenda point in the services product review meeting when everyone is thinking about lunch.

It's quite sad what happened to it really. They really missed the boat with streaming music and only had something to offer in the space as late as 2015, meanwhile everyone had long moved over to Spotify.

Had they gone hard into streaming 5 years earlier, and it was very clearly the future then, they likely would have a much larger market share now and be leading the market like they once did. They were desperate to hang onto the iTunes pay per song model but it was a losing battle.

Of course it would also help if they gave a damn about the product as well.
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macrumors regular
Mar 4, 2006
This is already the main reason I hate the "For you" station. I get nothing but the same 12 or so songs when I just tell Siri to play some music. They even put them in rotation after I've disliked them.
I hate the interface of Spotify but I keep it for music discovery and add things I like to my apple library.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 3, 2012
The My Station already plays heavy rotation, the same 8 songs over and over from 2010. I want something that helps me discover new music that’s similar to what I like, with a sprinkle of the songs I’m into.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2001
The "Recommended for you" of both Apple Music and Spotify is not working for me. The reason is that I have playlists based on games I play.
Eg, I listen to 30-40's music when I play WWII boardgames, Western music when I play an RPG campaign set in the Western era (US 1860-80's), and ambient music when I play Fantasy RPG.

The rest of the time I listen and mix "normal" music like pop, rock, country, chill etc (and I HATE Hip Hop and Rap).

You can imagine what happens when the music services start to mix my music things together… "No Siri, I don't want to listen to a banjo song, or 45 minutes of scary landscape sounds when I play music in the background for my guests." 😂😖


macrumors regular
Feb 25, 2009
The "Recommended for you" of both Apple Music and Spotify is not working for me. The reason is that I have playlists based on games I play.
Eg, I listen to 30-40's music when I play WWII boardgames, Western music when I play an RPG campaign set in the Western era (US 1860-80's), and ambient music when I play Fantasy RPG.

The rest of the time I listen and mix "normal" music like pop, rock, country, chill etc (and I HATE Hip Hop and Rap).

You can imagine what happens when the music services start to mix my music things together… "No Siri, I don't want to listen to a banjo song, or 45 minutes of scary landscape sounds when I play music in the background for my guests." 😂😖
This person knows how to immerse
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2012
In the 00s iTunes was THE digital music store.

Now Apple Music seems like the last agenda point in the services product review meeting when everyone is thinking about lunch.
it is more-than-kinda interesting what an insane 180º that's been on Apple's part…I suppose it's in no small part due to iPod being, arguably, the killer product that brought them into the consumer eye in the 21st century—and now, the iPod is "nothing but" a component of the iPhone/iPad/(to an extent) Watch.

I'd also wager that (surprise!) money has something to do with it. Apple had quite a lucrative business model going with 99¢ songs, streaming completely upended that, and Spotify came in at the right place/right time to be market-dominant. what does Apple do? seemingly give up…don't get me wrong, I love Apple Music, and the main reason I stay subscribed to it is 1) seamless integration with the other Apple products I own (yeah, same reason Tim wants all of us to be saying for subscribing to all Apple services, I know I'm a cog in the machine) but more importantly 2) the fact that, besides TIDAL, they pay the highest royalties to artists.

but yeah. given that they're a company with a reputation for being the leaders and not the followers, it is wild how much they've been playing catch-up with Spotify for almost ten years.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2012
The "Recommended for you" of both Apple Music and Spotify is not working for me. The reason is that I have playlists based on games I play.
Eg, I listen to 30-40's music when I play WWII boardgames, Western music when I play an RPG campaign set in the Western era (US 1860-80's), and ambient music when I play Fantasy RPG.

The rest of the time I listen and mix "normal" music like pop, rock, country, chill etc (and I HATE Hip Hop and Rap).

You can imagine what happens when the music services start to mix my music things together… "No Siri, I don't want to listen to a banjo song, or 45 minutes of scary landscape sounds when I play music in the background for my guests." 😂😖
can I just make a comment solely to appreciate your existence? are the MR mods gonna delete my comment for that being off-topic? it sucks that the algorithmic playlists don't work for you but g*ddamn, what a marvelous reason for it to not work. stay golden


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2023
"Heavy Rotation." A term the radio stations used when they played the same Top Ten over and over and over…

Listen to something new, a band you've never heard of, a different genre, deep tracks you haven't heard from artists you like. You can't grow when you live in a box of your own construction.
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