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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 8, 2021
My bet is on #2 because I don't think Apple will get enough people using it if it isn't right in your face - asking to be enabled as part of setup. They need a lot of people hammering on it over the next year to get it working the way they want. If it doesn't get massive and quick adoption, it might end up like other features that get launched and rarely touched on ever again (cough... App Library).
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macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
Tough poll to answer as Apple Intelligence - in its full and final form - will probably be rolled out in chunks. Nevertheless, I also voted for #2 for much the same reason you did. I don’t think it will fade into obscurity because this feature set is too important for Apple to let it languish. This is literally the next phase of personal computing.

So I’d watch for some pretty hard hitting TV and web-delivered ads showing this in action. They will go full court press with this, probably during the holiday season and then during the Super Bowl in February (just ahead of when the Siri features should be ready to launch).


macrumors demi-god
Jun 9, 2018
Based on Apple’s website, I’d say it’s going to be like private relay, where it’s labelled as beta.

I’d expect we will see some of in the 18.0 beta cycle at some point too.

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