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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple has started developing thinner OLED panels that could be used for foldable displays in the future, a new report out of Korea suggests.


According to The Elec, Apple is developing OLED panels without polarizers, which are typically included to allow only lights in certain directions to pass through, thereby improving the visibility of the display.

One drawback of polarizer films is that they tend to reduce brightness and, in turn, the luminance efficiency of the panel. To offset this, manufacturers usually increase the power consumption delivered to the panel, but this can reduce their lifespan.

By removing the polarizer, Apple will be able to make the panels significantly thinner, making them more optimal for foldable panels, claims the report, citing supply chain sources. Apple could also theoretically apply different technology with an equivalent effect to that of a polarizer but which avoids the aforementioned trade-offs.

Samsung has already utilized OLED panels without polarizers for the Galaxy Z Fold 3, according to The Elec, incorporating its "Eco Square" technology which increases light transmittance while reducing power consumption.

A report from The Elec last month claimed Apple is working with LG to develop a foldable OLED display panel with ultra-thin cover glass for future iPad and MacBook models, although in that instance the website said the panel that would be used would incorporate an ultra-thin cover glass instead of polyimide, which most other foldable displays currently use.

A recent report from display analyst Ross Young said that Apple is exploring all-screen foldable notebooks with displays around 20-inches in size. Young believes these devices could form a whole new product category for Apple and result in a dual-use product, potentially able to work as a notebook with a full-size on-screen keyboard when folded and as a monitor when unfolded and used with an external keyboard.

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo also believes Apple is testing a device with a 9-inch foldable OLED display with a PPI somewhere between the iPhone and iPad. Kuo believes that Apple's foldable product development is initially focusing on medium-sized devices, followed by devices with larger displays, before finally expanding to small devices like the ‌iPhone‌.

Article Link: Apple Developing Thinner OLED Panels Potentially for Foldable Displays


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
My guess, it's for the new re-designed Apple Watch. The new flatter redesign might give less room for battery, as such Apple would probably need to thin out other parts.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
I really don't understand the direction to go down the route of foldable screens for any tech company.
The tech itself is useful. Apple has been using foldable OLED since the iPhone X. The folding part is useful to achieve the edge to edge look without a chin for the controller.

What's questionable is implementing it into an actual folding screen. Right now, it's still too early as even the latest Samsung Fold/Flip are still suffering from cracks after a year or so. So durability is still an issue if you turn the folding screen into an actual moving part with wear-n-tear.


macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2021
Foldable displays just seem like a complete gimmick to me. My iPad fits in my bag fine. Other than saving space, what are the actual benefits of a foldable device?
like you need a bag for your ipad. You answered to your own question. people want bigger and bigger display...and now the limits sits around 6.5-7" as a solid factor...for us to place an bigger display than 7" into our pockets, foldable is the way
For these foldables, you dont need a bag


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2004
Eastern USA
What is there not to understand? If you want an ipad and iphone in one device, buy it. If you don't, don't.
But that’s the thing. It would be neither one well. Is an iPad twice the width of your iPhone really useful as an iPad? How about an iPhone more than twice as thick as the one you have now? And all for the sake of a gadget that folds. This is the definition of a gimmick. It feels like a tech looking for a home.


macrumors 6502
Apr 3, 2011
Foldable displays just seem like a complete gimmick to me. My iPad fits in my bag fine. Other than saving space, what are the actual benefits of a foldable device?
Space saving is the main advantage other than that a folded device can be propped up on its own, both of these are qualities that defines laptops. You wouldn't be able to fit a MacBook in your bag if it didn't fold.

With foldable screens you can fit an iPad mini in your pocket. You can also make an iMac sized portable tablet. Just double the screen of a MacBook and use it with an external keyboard/trackpad that can be tucked in with the device. Two folds can get you a 27" screen the size of a 16" MacBook, just slightly thicker.

Foldables will only get cheaper and more robust. The current generation is just for early adopters.
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Sep 13, 2014
Foldable displays just seem like a complete gimmick to me. My iPad fits in my bag fine. Other than saving space, what are the actual benefits of a foldable device?

I suppose you’ve answered your own question. It fits in your bag but not your pocket. I want my iPhone to unfold into iPad Mini size on demand. With that said I wouldn’t want the folded form factor to lose functionality or become impractical to use. I don’t want a folding iPad Mini, but rather an iPhone that can optionally be an iPad mini.


macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
For laptops they should just put screens on the keys so we can still have physical keys but ones that adapt. Wouldn’t even have to make laptops with different keyboards for different regions anymore too.
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macrumors 603
Nov 30, 2004
Toronto, ON
Foldable displays just seem like a complete gimmick to me. My iPad fits in my bag fine. Other than saving space, what are the actual benefits of a foldable device?

Your iPad fits in your bag. Then why do you need an iPhone? Can't you just carry your iPad with you everywhere instead of a miniaturized pocket computer? /sarcasm ??‍♂️

Having the ability to pocket a much larger display has clear advantages. Existing folding phones haven't gotten it right because they just double the device thickness. A rollable screen or one with a thinner device bulk underneath would allow users to carry an iPad sized screen comfortably in their pockets – without having to carry a bag.


macrumors member
Feb 13, 2008
Having seen the available options on market in foldable phones, I am not interested. However, have not seen Apple's version (if it truly exists) but feel there is a niche for this. Still, not anywhere near top on wish list. Longer battery life, displays I can actually see when outside, and much thinner form factor are nearer the top. Okay, I made that last one up.

"Are you happy to see me or is that a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G in your pocket?"


macrumors G5
I have iPad Mini and think of it- for my purposes- as the ideal form factor of all iDevice options. A (IMO) Goldilocks "just right" screen size gives me much greater space for all the things I do with iDevice apps and the cellular modem gives it the "everywhere" connected utility of smart phones.

With buds, it even doubles as my cell phone (I have no phone (too) because telephony as an app works great... and texting works just as well). The ONE thing I wish it could do is become pocketable. How could it do that? If it could fold, I could still enjoy its much bigger (than iPhone screen) in all the ways I use it AND add the hands-free pocketable benefit of iPhone when I'm not using it.

I very easily see a most obvious use case (and/or problem if one wants to frame it that way) and would be VERY INTERESTED in BUYING a foldable Mini.

IMO, pretty much all apps benefit from more screen RE. However, brick designs limit how much RE can be delivered and maintain the mobility benefit (especially the pocketable one). Fold is an obvious way to potentially have one's cake and eat it too. It's not the ONLY option- roll might be another way- but all roads may lead to finding a way to enjoying a screen bigger than a single slab can accommodate AND deliver mobility/pocket-ability as those slabs do now. Fold? Roll? Something Else? Whatever it is, seems inevitable. I look forward to it.
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