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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

References to what are believed to be the "A19" and "M5" Apple silicon chips have been discovered in official Apple code.


The references, found by Twitter user "@_orangera1n," indicate the existence of a large number of unreleased Apple chips. Following the trends of Apple's chip identifiers, the latest discoveries are believed to correspond to the "A19," "M5 Pro," "M5 Max," and "M5 Ultra" chips, suggesting that work on these processors is underway.

Apple's Tatsu Signing Server (TSS) verifies firmware files by issuing unique certificates called APTickets, which contain specific details, with no third-party logs. In an effort to identify unreleased ApChipIDs, TSS requests were made for every possible identifier. Those that did not return an invalid identifier seemingly point to an unreleased chip.

Among the discovered ApChipIDs, the identifier 0x8150 is believed to correspond to the A19, while 0x6050, 0x6051, and 0x6052 are believed to represent the M5 Pro, M5 Max, and M5 Ultra, respectively. This inference is made based on the logical sequence and patterns of previously released chips.

Assuming that Apple continues to release new iPhone models every year, the A19 could debut in 2025's iPhone 17 Pro models. For now, Apple's first 3nm chip, the A17 Bionic, is believed to be just weeks away from announcement in the iPhone 15 Pro models, sporting major performance and efficiency improvements over all of the Apple silicon chips from recent years that are based on TSMC's 5nm process.

Article Link: 'A19' and 'M5' Chips Discovered on Apple Backend Server
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macrumors 65816
Oct 8, 2016
This means the A18 is already finished and could have been added to the Iphone 15 pro series if apple wanted to

Not really. All these components go through a process of development and testing before they reach mass production.

Just for reference, the camera is decided/completed 2 to 3 years before the phone is even released. I would argue that A and M chips are even more critical and go through a more extensive process.


macrumors G5
What happens to the manufacturing process when M5 comes around? will it be lower than 3nm at that time. How small can they go and what happens when they reach 1-2nm..where do they go next? just curious

Nothing gets in the way of Marketing. If this size shrinkage illusion (because nothing is actually 3nm) remains important at the time, they can split a tiny bit of a nm into Angstroms and then start that countdown from a high number. Yes, that would mean they are hopping only fractions of (the illusion of) nanometers with each generation but people tuned in enough to think about such things vs. a bigger number painted on top of a chip only seem to care that this number shrinks a whole number at a time. 50 Angstroms, 49 Angstroms, 48 Angstroms, etc would give them 50 generations of the illusion of shrinkage to spin to the more in-the-know crowd. M5, M6, M7, M8, etc increments are incredibly easy to paint on each new chip whether it has any true technological changes or not.

If Marketing feels like it needs this little punch of spin, there is always a way to keep this ship running for nearly forever. Just shrink the base measure. Metaphorically, if tangible size is important, one inch won't reduce to zero inches, so a whole number reduction can't work there. But one inch can be split into 25mm or 25400 microns. So if the traditional measure was in inches, a change to mm could provide 25 (whole number) generations or a change to microns as the measure could yield 25K generations. This (not) problem will be resolved the same way.
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