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  1. mtbdudex

    GPS accuracy: Apple Watch Ultra 2 vs iPhone 14Pro, 94%

    I've had my AWU2 since Dec-2023, truly love it. However I'm perplexed by GPS accuracy: AWU2 vs iPhone 14Pro, seems AWU2 is around 6% less than iPhone 14Pro. Below are screen shots with data. These are all MTB bike data; I start/stop both same time, AWU2 is left wrist facing up (top of wrist)...
  2. JohnRckr

    Looking for a strap

    Hi, I need a recommendation for a strap for my 49mm AWU2. I absolutely love the watch but every single strap I have tried makes me either develop a rash overnight or a red marks on skin after few hours of wearing it. I need a strap of which won’t “choke” my wrist too much but will hold secure...
  3. Pdj92688

    Apple Watch U2 10.0.2 Cannot create waypoint. Trackback not working. Don't get lost...

    New AWU2 running current software on phone and watch. The location use is WONKY. After a lot of foling around the location shows up in the weather to display on the face with the accurate temp and day range. The GPS location data is not available when trying to create a waypoint. In the...