
Fortune Rankings

Global 500
Fortune 500 Europe
  • Updated:11/8/23
  • Country:Germany
  • Headquarters:Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Industry:Energy
  • CEO:Michael Lewis
  • Website:https://www.uniper.energy
  • Ticker:UNPRF
  • Company type:Public
  • Revenues ($M):$288,309
  • Profits ($M):$-19,961
  • Market value ($M):$34,672
  • Number of employees:7,008

Government owned 50% or more. Sold to Federal Republic of Germany and deconsolidated by Fortum Sept. 30, 2022. Figures prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards. Market value as of Oct. 23, 2023.

Uniper stock chart

Uniper in Fortune Rankings

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