How to Make a Sharpie Tattoo That Lasts for Months?

The increasing trend of tattoos among people has always drawn my attention. Initially, I was skeptical about getting permanent tattoos due to the long duration hours of the process, the pain it causes, allergies, and going for the laser tattoo removal treatments in case I am not satisfied with the results. Since I was not fully prepared for any permanent commitment so I found temporary tattoos as a perfect solution for my urge. Temporary tattoos are perfect since they painless, inexpensive, and last for only a few days. Generally, there are numerous methods of getting temporary tattoos but my favorite one is by using the sharpie. In this article, I have explained several methods that you can follow to make your sharpie tattoo lasts for months. Temporary Tattoos-Sharpie-Methods

Before beginning the process, you need to follow the following mentioned steps:

  • Choosing the spot: The most important step before beginning the process of getting the tattoo is to choose the right spot for getting the temporary tattoo. The area of your body which comes in regular contact with the soap and water should be avoided since it can fade the ink of the sharpie.
  • Shaving the spot: After choosing the best spot, the next important step is to shave the area well using a razor. It is done to give your tattoo a neat and clean look. If you don’t have the hair on the chosen spot, you can skip this step.
  • Cleaning the spot: Once you’re done with the shaving part, the final step to be followed is to clean the area well. Cleaning can be done by using rubbing alcohol on cotton pads or cleansing/wet wipes. This process is done to remove the extra oil and dirt from the surface of the skin. Avoid using the beauty products like a body moisturizers, creams, gels, natural oils, etc. for a few days since it can fade away the ink of the sharpie.

You need to use the following items to make a sharpie tattoo that lasts for months:

Baby Powder or Talcum Powder

Baby powder and talcum powder are very useful in absorbing the extra oils from the skin. The application of the powder 2-3 times is recommended so that the ink of the tattoo gets stick to the surface of the skin properly. After drawing the tattoo using the sharpie, apply some baby powder and rub it properly using a soft makeup brush or cotton pad.

Hair Spray

The application of the hair spray also helps to increase the longevity of temporary tattoos. It should be applied at the end from the distance of 10-12inches from the tattoo after the application of the baby powder. After its application, let it dry naturally so that the ink of the tattoo doesn’t get smudged.

Liquid Band-aid

In case you don’t have the hair spray at your place, you can use the liquid band-aid which can available easily at any nearby medical shop. After the application, let it dry naturally so that the ink doesn’t get smudged.

Transparent/Clear Nail Polish

Transparent nail polish also helps to stick the ink of the tattoo on the skin for a longer duration of time. Sometimes it also peels off after a few days so people usually avoid its application.

Petroleum Jelly or Balm

Petroleum jelly or balm can also be applied over the tattoo at the end so that it can seal the ink of the tattoo on the surface of the skin and also helps in repelling the water, thus increasing the longevity of the tattoo.

Following is the method which I have followed to make the sharpie tattoo that lasted for a month:

Selection of the design

Selection of the perfect design of the tattoo is very important. I went through several options online to select the best one according to my choice. I took the printout of the tattoos from the nearby shop and selected a tiny heart tattoo.

Temporary Tattoos

Use of the tracing paper

Along with the printouts, I bought sheets of tracing paper to trace the tattoo on my arm. The sheet was large so I cut it down according to the size of my tattoo.

Use the sharpie

After cutting the tracing paper, I used the black-inked sharpie to draw the tattoo. I placed the tracing paper on the tattoo and try to trace it using the sharpie.

Temporary Tattoo using Sharpie

Cleaning the area

Before the application of the tattoo, I cleaned the skin of my arm well using a cleansing wipe. You can also use a cotton pad for this purpose.

Apply the tracing paper

After the tracing process, I placed the tracing paper on my arm and pressed it for a few minutes (2-3minutes) so that the ink of the sharpie gets stick to my skin properly.

Temporary Tattoo Sharpie-FYI

Peeling off the tracing paper

After a few minutes, I peeled off the tracing paper from my skin. I noticed that the traced image of the tattoo is being formed on my arm.

Drawing the tattoo

I drew over the traced image of the tattoo formed using the same sharpie which I used before.

Tattoo Temporary Sharpie

Baby powder or talcum powder

After drawing the tattoo with the sharpie, I applied the baby powder over it so that the ink of the tattoo gets stick to the skin properly. In case you are allergic, you can also use cornflour instead of powder.

Temporary Tattoo-Baby Powder-Sharpie

Re-drawing the tattoo

After the application of the baby powder, I again used the sharpie to re-draw the design. I did this step again so that the tattoo stays for a longer duration of time. Now again apply the baby powder.

Apply vaseline/petroleum jelly/balm

The last step to be followed is to apply petroleum jelly on the tattoo.

Temporary Tattoo-Balm-Tattoo


After completing the process, you need to take care of the following things:

  • Try to avoid using the beauty products like body moisturizers, creams, scrubs, and essential oils so that the ink of your tattoo doesn’t get smudge.
  • Avoid working out for a few days as sweat can fade away the ink of the tattoo.
  • Avoid wearing skin-fit clothes as they can also fade away the ink of the tattoo due to friction.
  • You can also use cornflour in case you don’t have the baby powder or talcum powder at your place.

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