Human Rights

List of Human Rights articles

A person with a small dog stands in front of a blue pond, with snow-topped mountains and a bright blue sky in the background. The person is on a gravel surface surrounded by white fences, with light brown shrubs all around the area.
A person with a small dog stands in front of a blue pond, with snow-topped mountains and a bright blue sky in the background. The person is on a gravel surface surrounded by white fences, with light brown shrubs all around the area.

The Hidden Trade-Offs of Climate Policy

Today’s green dogmas cannot deliver an energy transition that is fast, just, and sustainable—all at the same time.

A supporter of same-sex marriage waves an LGBTQI+ pride flag in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington on June 26, 2023.
A supporter of same-sex marriage waves an LGBTQI+ pride flag in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington on June 26, 2023.

Protecting LGBTQI+ Rights Is Good Foreign Policy

The United States has both a moral and strategic imperative to fight for equality globally.

Trucks carrying Syrian refugees and their belongings prepare to leave Lebanon for Syria, in Arsal, Lebanon, on May 14.
Trucks carrying Syrian refugees and their belongings prepare to leave Lebanon for Syria, in Arsal, Lebanon, on May 14.

Syrians in Lebanon Are Stuck in Limbo

Refugees have become an easy scapegoat for the country’s crisis—and face rising hostility from the government.

Afghan refugees carry their belongings after being deported back from Iran at the Islam Qala Border between Afghanistan and Iran, in the western Herat province, on May 30.
Afghan refugees carry their belongings after being deported back from Iran at the Islam Qala Border between Afghanistan and Iran, in the western Herat province, on May 30.

Afghan Asylum Seekers Face Hostility in Iran

As the country heads to a presidential run-off election, its largest immigrant population has featured prominently in the debate.

A child attends morning prayers at a mosque in Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County in Yunnan province, China, on Aug. 12, 2019.
A child attends morning prayers at a mosque in Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County in Yunnan province, China, on Aug. 12, 2019.

Beijing’s Crackdown on Islam Is Coming for Kids

Techniques honed in Xinjiang are being normalized against new targets.

A satellite view of Diego Garcia, the largest of the islands in the Chagos Archipelago, in the Indian Ocean.
A satellite view of Diego Garcia, the largest of the islands in the Chagos Archipelago, in the Indian Ocean.

Why Diego Garcia Matters

A dispute over a tiny island in the Indian Ocean presents complications for U.S. goals in the Indo-Pacific.

Arms reach up to sacks of aid as they are unloaded by people atop them on a truck above.
Arms reach up to sacks of aid as they are unloaded by people atop them on a truck above.

The World’s Refugee Relief Is Utterly Broken

Millions of Sudanese are fleeing a warzone—and exposing the world’s bankrupt response.

Families who have fled from the war in Sudan carry their belongings while arriving at a transit center for refugees in Renk, South Sudan.
Families who have fled from the war in Sudan carry their belongings while arriving at a transit center for refugees in Renk, South Sudan.

Why Is the World Ignoring a Looming Genocide in Sudan?

Aid workers fear a new disaster as militia forces close in on a major Darfur city.

A woman and child sit among the graves at Lychakiv military cemetery in Lviv, Ukraine, on March 18, 2023.
A woman and child sit among the graves at Lychakiv military cemetery in Lviv, Ukraine, on March 18, 2023.

The Invisible Warriors of Ukraine’s Refugee Crisis

Women's NGOs are leading the charge—but not getting the funding they need.

Relatives and friends bid farewell to the body of Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abu Daqqa, who was killed in an air strike while working in Khan Younis, Gaza.
Relatives and friends bid farewell to the body of Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abu Daqqa, who was killed in an air strike while working in Khan Younis, Gaza.

After Al Jazeera, Will Israel Target Its Own Media?

Rights groups worry the closing of the Qatari network is just the beginning.

Demonstrators face law enforcement officers during a rally against a controversial “foreign agents” bill in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Demonstrators face law enforcement officers during a rally against a controversial “foreign agents” bill in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Georgia’s Protests Are Different This Time

A new foreign agents law could be the death knell of a once-promising young democracy.

Two boys sit with empty pots as they queue for aid.
Two boys sit with empty pots as they queue for aid.

How to Stave Off a Famine in Gaza

Two experts reflect on the impact of international pressure amid a fraught conflict.

Girls walk to class on the first day of school in a Yazidi displacement camp about 9 miles from the city of Dohuk in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq on Nov. 1, 2021.
Girls walk to class on the first day of school in a Yazidi displacement camp about 9 miles from the city of Dohuk in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq on Nov. 1, 2021.

Iraqi Kurdistan’s Ethnic Minorities Are Under Attack

A power struggle between Baghdad and Erbil is targeting the country’s most vulnerable.

A Palestinian woman and her son look out on the street ahead of a funeral procession of Palestinian men killed in the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem in the West Bank.
A Palestinian woman and her son look out on the street ahead of a funeral procession of Palestinian men killed in the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem in the West Bank.

Egypt Is Obliged to Let Gaza Refugees In

Cairo’s decision to seal the border has exacerbated a humanitarian disaster. It’s also illegal.

Children play near tents at a camp in southern Gedaref, Sudan.
Children play near tents at a camp in southern Gedaref, Sudan.

Sudan Is Not a Lost Cause

A year into the conflict, fatalistic rhetoric continues to limit the world’s attention—and actions—toward Sudan.

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