Luke Schleusener

Luke Schleusener is the president and co-founder of Out in National Security. He served as a speechwriter to former Defense Secretaries Leon Panetta, Chuck Hagel, and Ashton Carter.

Articles by Luke Schleusener
Two male soldiers wearing WWII-era formal uniforms embrace in this black-and-white photograph. Palm trees are visible in the background.
Two male soldiers wearing WWII-era formal uniforms embrace in this black-and-white photograph. Palm trees are visible in the background.
Members of AIDS activist group ACT UP hold up signs of George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and Jesse Helms along with a banner stating “Silence Equals Death” as they protest at the headquarters of the Food and Drug Administration in Rockville, Maryland, on Oct. 11, 1988.
Members of AIDS activist group ACT UP hold up signs of George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and Jesse Helms along with a banner stating “Silence Equals Death” as they protest at the headquarters of the Food and Drug Administration in Rockville, Maryland, on Oct. 11, 1988.