Lina Khatib

Lina Khatib is the director of the University of London’s SOAS Middle East Institute and an associate fellow at Chatham House’s Middle East and North Africa program, where she was previously a director.

Articles by Lina Khatib
Then-U.S. President Barack Obama, standing with then-Vice President Joe Biden, holds a press conference about the Iran nuclear deal at the White House in Washington on July 14, 2015.
Then-U.S. President Barack Obama, standing with then-Vice President Joe Biden, holds a press conference about the Iran nuclear deal at the White House in Washington on July 14, 2015.
Demonstrators wave Palestinian and Hezbollah flags during a protest in support of Palestinians on Oct. 20.
Demonstrators wave Palestinian and Hezbollah flags during a protest in support of Palestinians on Oct. 20.
Protest against Russia in Idlib, Syria
Protest against Russia in Idlib, Syria