Emily Couch

Emily Couch is a British freelance writer who has published on politics and culture in Eastern Europe and Eurasia for The Moscow Times, Index on Censorship, and the Kennan Institute.

Articles by Emily Couch
A woman holding a Ukrainian flag speaks during a pro-Ukraine rally in Brussels.
A woman holding a Ukrainian flag speaks during a pro-Ukraine rally in Brussels.
People perform and sing carols during the opening of a "Yurt of Invincibility," a heating tent organized by representatives of the Kazakh diaspora in Ukraine, in central Kyiv on Jan. 14.
People perform and sing carols during the opening of a "Yurt of Invincibility," a heating tent organized by representatives of the Kazakh diaspora in Ukraine, in central Kyiv on Jan. 14.
A billboard promoting army service is seen in Russia.
A billboard promoting army service is seen in Russia.
Russian paratroopers perform in Moscow's Red Square
Russian paratroopers perform in Moscow's Red Square
Protesters rally over energy prices in Kazakhstan.
Protesters rally over energy prices in Kazakhstan.
People protest against anti-Asian violence.
People protest against anti-Asian violence.