Afghanistan investigation updates: 

  • The committee has successfully completed 17 transcribed interviews with key officials from the Biden administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal—with more on the way.
  • After months of delays, Secretary Blinken caved and finally complied with Chairman McCaul’s subpoena regarding crucial Afghanistan withdrawal documents.
  • So far, these documents have confirmed the systemic and cultural failures in the State Department and contain new, disturbing information that escalated dangerous conditions on the ground and hastened the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.
  • The committee’s investigation is providing transparency and accountability—so another catastrophe like the Biden administration’s deadly withdrawal never happens again.



Read committee Republicans’ 2022 interim report on the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan here.

An Unmitigated Disaster of Epic Proportions

Get Americans the Answers They Deserve

The House Foreign Affairs Committee is laser-focused on investigating the Biden administration’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan and getting Congress, Afghanistan veterans, and the American people the answers they deserve.

Hold Administration Responsible

Over a year after the catastrophic withdrawal, the Biden administration continues to obstruct numerous congressional requests. Democrats have utterly failed to hold the administration accountable for the disastrous withdrawal.

Continue Aggressive Investigation

The House Foreign Affairs Committee will build upon its August 2022 Interim Report and conduct an aggressive, thorough investigation examining topics including failures in decision-making, withdrawal planning, and the execution of the evacuation.

Conduct Vigorous Oversight

The committee will use the numerous oversight tools at its disposal, including subpoenas, transcribed interviews, and public hearings, to uncover the truth and bring long-overdue accountability.

The committee will also conduct rigorous oversight of the ongoing failures of current U.S. Afghanistan policy, including the Biden administration’s engagement with the Taliban, its failure to evacuate Americans and our Afghan partners, its lack of an effective response to the brutal oppression of Afghan women and girls, humanitarian aid spending, and the deficient U.S. counterterrorism capabilities in the region.

If you, or anyone you know, has info on the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, we want to hear from you. You can share it HERE