Internal Security Fund

The national internal security strategies provide the direction and the requirements which need to be addressed so that Malta continues to enhance its capabilities for border control management and police cooperation. The assistance will cover various areas, including the VISA Information System (VIS) and VISMAIL and Malta’s outreach in third countries through the setting up and refurbishment of consulates and training of officials. For border control management the focus will be on new and improved assets and integrated communication systems to enable the better control of Malta’s territory while also safeguarding the Mediterranean region and the access to other European countries.

Malta will continue to abide with its obligations under the regulations and to take part in EU initiatives meant to further assist in the carrying out of activities of border control. Therefore the funds will also be used to make the necessary upgrades to ensure continued fulfilment of all legal obligations. These include the implementation of the Entry Exit System (EES), the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) and the Schengen Information System (SIS). Malta will also seek to overcome any gaps identified in the Vulnerability Assessment and Schengen Evaluations.

The Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) border security mission will continue to drive forward strategic objectives which include the use of Information, Integration, and Rapid Reaction to meet all threats and needs. Such approach ensures that the AFM’s capabilities are arrayed so as to oppose and combat the highest risks. Through information the AFM obtains situational awareness and intelligence. Integration is achieved through analysis of information leading on to operational planning and execution with interaction of international and local law enforcement entities. Given the dynamic nature of border threats, the tenet of Rapid Reaction ensures that the AFM can, together with other law enforcement partners, respond quickly and appropriately to the changing situation at the Nation’s borders.

With respect to prevention and combating crime, and the protection against terrorism and security-related risks, the Fund will be used to strengthen Malta’s capabilities in detecting and combating organized crime and terrorism. This will be achieved through the introduction of new upgraded equipment and the provision of the relevant training on the use of the equipment, infrastructure and systems for the collection, analysis and dissemination of data. Areas identified through Europol’s SOCTA will also be tackled in order to enhance Malta’s capabilities. In addition, various divisions within the Malta Police Force (MPF), the AFM and the Customs Department will be assisted through the Fund in order to be provided with equipment that will help in crime prevention and to better assist in risk and crises management and prevention.

By means of the ISF Police, the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) will implement a digitised compliance system which will enable them to combat money laundering, financing of terrorism as well as other financial crime, such as fraud and corruption and at the same time will facilitate and make more efficient the gathering of information from obliged entities for supervisory purposes.

This fund will also enable the Malta Security Service (MSS) to replace and upgrade its current infrastructure, ICT systems, carry out information gathering and be in a better position to fulfil its remit of protecting national and EU security. It will also help to further enhance cooperation and communication links with other law enforcement agencies, both locally and in other Member States, in the fight against cross-border crime.

The Civil Protection Department (CPD) will also be assisted to enhance its Terrorism Crisis Response so that in the event of a terrorist attack involving Chemical, Biological, Radiation or Nuclear (CBRN) elements, the effects will be rapidly mitigated. This will ensure that besides saving human life, critical infrastructure is protected and the situation returns to normal in the shortest span possible.

The Fund will also allow for research and the collection of information on networks and means of operation of people smuggling organisations.

The Funds will be approximately divided in the following percentages, excluding technical assistance and operational support: 6% for VISA, 94% for Borders, 68% for Preventing and Combating Crime and 32% for Risks and Crisis.

Total Programme Budget

ISF Borders: EUR 87,675,661.82

ISF Police: EUR 10,226,958

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