Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

The Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), targeting refugees and those under temporary protection, provided, amongst others, for the provision of material aid including assistance at border, education, support services, health and psychological care, the setting-up and improvement of administrative structures, provision of legal assistance, specific assistance to the identification of vulnerable groups, the establishment and improvement of alternative measures to detention as well as improvement and maintenance of accommodation infrastructure.

National objectives aimed at renovating buildings and the setting up of new facilities to increase the accommodation capacity. Material aid related to health and other essential services was also provided, with special attention given to vulnerable groups. Moreover, training was provided to officials working with the target group, and support and assistance was given to the Office of the Commissioner for Refugees.

With regards to the integration of third country nationals, this Programme provided for the setting up and development of integration strategies, the provision of assistance in adapting to the host country, measures focusing on education, language training and cultural-awareness classes. These are all actions that promote self-empowerment. On a national level, the programme strove to provide training in schools where third country national minors were participating in classes together with other children. Training and education were also extended to the parents of the minors as well as to all third country nationals who wished to enhance their linguistic skills and to follow a cultural integration programme.

Lastly, AMIF also provided for preparatory measures necessary for return operations, including cooperation with consular authorities, the provision of assisted voluntary return measures together with reintegration measures in the country of origin as well as removal operations.

Total Budget: €17 million


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