Meat of the Matter

Meat of the Matter

Municipalities across the country are stepping up to fight climate change, but for most, a key strategy has been missing from the menu of solutions: climate-friendly food purchasing.  Meat and dairy generate more global greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector, yet reducing the consumption of animal products through institutional purchasing remains a largely untapped yet highly effective, cost-saving approach to mitigating climate change while promoting public health. This guide describes step-by-step actions municipalities can take to adopt climate-friendly food purchasing practices and offers a variety of tools and approaches, including a model food purchasing policy and climate-friendly food standards as well as sample policies from cities and counties across the country. The guide also offers guidance on how municipalities can use the money saved from purchasing fewer animal products to buy more sustainable food.

Read the full report
Read the executive summary
Read the press release
Read the model climate-friendly food purchasing policy and standards
Read the letter from groups urging municipal leaders to take action. Add your organization’s name here.
Read about the 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


Watch our webinar on Responsible Meat Purchasing

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