The Florida Safety Coalition Is A Group Of Concerned Citizens Working To Fix The Broken Probation System In Our State.


Probation supervision is an alternative to incarceration meant to prioritize accountability and rehabilitation while increasing safety and stability in our communities. Too often, however, people on probation are set up to fail. Many end up back in prison, serving long sentences away from their families for so-called “technical violations,” non-criminal actions like crossing county lines without permission or failing to obtain employment.

The “probation to prison pipeline” doesn’t just destroy families and lives, it also costs taxpayers a fortune; Florida spends around $145 million annually to reincarcerate people under supervision for these technical violations.

The “probation to prison pipeline” doesn’t just destroy families and lives, it also costs taxpayers a fortune; Florida spends around $145 million annually to reincarcerate people under supervision for these technical violations.

We Believe An Improved Probation System Will Create A Stronger Safer State, And Allow Individuals Greater Opportunity. We Need Your Help.