The Tech We Want to Open Governments

Credit: Jaana Süld


Tallinn, Estonia

September 4th


"The Tech We Want to Open Governments" was an official side event to the Open Government Partnership (OGP)'s Global Summit, organised by Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN), Open Knowledge Estonia (OKEE) and Open Knowledge Finland (OKFI), with the sponsorship of Link Digital and the National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS) in Estonia.


By bringing together experts and practitioners from around the world, The Tech We Want to Open Governments provided a platform for discussing the future of the open movement, with a focus on transparency and ways to strengthen it.



• Stefania Maurizi, investigative journalist

• Lucas Pretti, Communications Lead, Open Knowledge Foundation

• Natalia Carfi, Executive Director, Open Data Charter

• Kateryna Borysenko, Open Data / Civic Tech Manager, East Europe Foundation

• Patricio Del Boca, Senior Developer, Open Knowledge Foundation

• Mel Flanagan, Founder and Design Director, Nook Studios

• Sara Petti, Network Lead, Open Knowledge Foundation

• Danielle Bello, Open Knowledge Brasil



• Link Digital

• Open Knowledge Hub

• Korruptsioonivaba Eesti (Transparency International Estonia)

• Eesti Fotopärand / Ajapaik

• ParliamentSampo

• Texta

• Wikimedia Suomi & Wikimedia Eesti


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Uploaded on September 8, 2023
Taken on September 4, 2023