

I woke up to the sound of a large, military-style helicopter flying over the house today (this is not actually all that uncommon, but still). The first thing I read this morning when I turned my phone on, was a notification about the UK backing US airstrikes in Syria.


I was going to give a rather long, fairly pointless ramble about my day to accompany this photo, and I have already written it – I will post a photo later with the ramble as the description. It was going to be jovial, possibly slightly humorous in places – anything but depressing.

And now I have this, something that makes me want to cry.


I wrote both pieces whilst sat on the swings I have just photographed, but just as I finished writing my initial ramble, I got a notification about the suspected terror attack in Stockholm. It struck me that it seems to be every day that I hear about one terror attack or another and so I decided to do some research and some rather sickening maths as I sat on a swing in a children’s playground, surrounded by laughing, happy, innocent children. It turns out that in the first 97 days of 2017 there have been 415 terror attacks across the globe. I could not find data to compare it to 2016, nor did I particularly want to, and I am not an expert, but I would say that 415 in 97 days is a lot. It averages out at just under 4.3 a day. I do not need to be an expert that to know that that is too many lives lost.

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Uploaded on April 7, 2017
Taken on April 7, 2017