Experiments in photography

by a manual lens enthusiast


I‘m interested in a lot of things (like – believe it or not – photography for example) and an expert in none... except maybe, finding new things I will never be an expert in! However, I like listening, observing, learning and experimenting, so at least I‘m kind of in the right state of mind, I think.


I‘m also really interested in adapting manual lenses (from enlarging lenses, special industrial-, repro- and macro-lenses to vintage full frame, medium- and large-format lenses...) and using them on my bellows-system. It‘s all quite fascinating to me: Their origin stories and construction details, their strengths, limitations and little quirks, their unique way of rendering images, their materials and exterior design, trying to see through the mysticism and hyperbole around some of them, but also finding the underappreciated gems among them!


Last but not least, I enjoy having conversations and an exchange of ideas with curious and open-minded people. So if you find something interesting, strange or plain out wrong in my clumsy writings, or in case you want to add some missing details, have a question, or would like to have some clarification on something, please don‘t hesitate to get in touch and have a conversation! I‘m really eager to broaden my horizon and getting to know what others think is always interesting and worthwhile in my opinion!

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Photos of simple.joy


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Congratulations , great gallery!

March 20, 2022

Espectaculares fotografías, impecables composiciones y gran dominio del macro, enhorabunea.

December 16, 2021

A master of macros! You turn random things into magiacl creatures...just love your work.

November 13, 2021

A great body of work! I am also fascinated by unusual lenses like projector and enlarger lenses. I am learning every day more and more information about how to adapt these kinds of lenses to be taking lenses, and I love the results. I hope to someday do close up work as good as yours.

September 21, 2021

Einen wundervoll kreativen Photostream hast du hier ! Tolle Bilder die vor Kreattivität nur so sprühen - gefällt mir sehr gut!

July 15, 2021

Very impressive macro photos ! Simple Joy masters macro and has got the creativity of a great photographer. I'm sometimes asking to myself "Where has he/she (it) got this superb idea ? Many very simple objects, many ordinary things become truly artistic with these photos ! Congrats for your superb gallery !

August 13, 2021