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Dundee Micro New Release Mar 8 – Mar 14, 2024

Bobi Wine: The People's President

Dir. Christopher Sharp, Moses Bwayo UK, Uganda, USA 114 min PG-13

2023 National Geographic Documentary Films

About the Film

This gripping documentary charts the inspiring activism of Bobi Wine, the pop star-turned-politician seeking to end Uganda's brutal dictatorship. Rising from the ghetto slums of Kampala to be one of the country's most beloved superstars, Bobi begins to use his music to call out corruption, then becomes an Independent Member of Parliament to defend the rights of his people. The country's institutions are controlled by President Museveni, an autocratic tyrant who has held power since 1986. Bobi and his wife Barbie choose to risk their careers, their family, and their lives to challenge him and bring democracy to their country. But the state is determined to silence not only them but anyone who supports their cause.

The Reviews Are In

"It’s a gripping piece of film-making: a propulsive, kinetic account of a grassroots campaign captured at what would seem to be considerable personal risk to both the subject and directors."

Wendy Ide, Observer (UK)

"The documentary’s resulting mix of intimate portrait and raw street warfare proves visceral, dynamic and sometimes upsetting."

Mark Jenkins, Washington Post

Film Stills

Bobi Wine The Peoples President 2 1360 x 766 px
Bobi Wine The Peoples President 4 1360 x 766 px
Bobi Wine The Peoples President 3 1360 x 766 px
Bobi Wine The Peoples President 5 1360 x 766 px

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