Genes controlling reproductive function are epigenetically reprogrammed in immune cells of women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome- Supplementary Data

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modified on 2019-05-01, 05:31

Supporting Information

Supplementary figure 1: Flow cytometry gating strategy

Supplementary table 1: BD antibodies for FACS sorting

Supplementary table 2: Hyper-methylated CpGs associated with genes in the gene ontology pathways in women with PCOS compared with women without PCOS.

Supplementary table 3: Hypo-methylated CpGs associated with genes in the gene ontology pathways in women with PCOS compared with women without PCOS

Supplementary table 4: Hyper-methylated CpGs associated with promoters in the gene ontology pathways in women with PCOS compared with women without PCOS.

Supplementary table 5: Hypo-methylated CpGs associated with promoters in the gene ontology pathways in women with PCOS compared with women without PCOS