

Bogo on mutkaton, monikieliset artikkelit mahdollistava WordPress-lisäosa.

Itse WordPress on tehty toimimaan eri kielillä, eli sen ohjausnäkymän ja teeman esityskieli voi olla muu kuin englanti. Bogo laajentaa tätä toiminnallisuutta niin, että voit helposti luoda monikielisen blogisivuston yhteen WordPress-asennukseen.

Here are some technical details for those interested. Bogo plugin assigns one language per post. It plays nice with WordPress – Bogo does not create any additional custom table on your database, unlike some other plugins in this category. This design makes Bogo a solid, reliable and conflict-free multilingual plugin.

Getting started with Bogo

  1. Install language packs

    First, install language packs for languages you use on the site. You can view and install language packs in the Language Packs screen (Languages > Language Packs).

  2. Select your language for admin screen

    Bogo lets each logged-in user select a language for their admin screen UI. Select a language from the menu on the Toolbar, or from the menu in the Profile screen (Users > Your Profile) if the Toolbar is invisible.

  3. Translate your posts and pages

    To create a translation post, go to the editor screen for the original post and find the Language box. Bogo does only make a copy of the post; translating the copied post is your task.

  4. Add language switcher widgets

    It would be useful for site visitors if you have a language switcher on your site. Bogo provides the Language Switcher widget in the Widgets screen (Appearance > Widgets).

    You can also use the [bogo] shortcode to put a language switcher inside a post content. If you want to use this shortcode in your theme’s template files, embed the following code into the template:

    <?php echo do_shortcode( '[bogo]' ); ?>

Privacy notices

With the default configuration, this plugin, in itself, does not:

  • track users by stealth;
  • write any user personal data to the database;
  • send any data to external servers;
  • use cookies.


  • You can select your language in the Toolbar.
  • The Language box manages the post’s translations.
  • The Language Packs screen lets you view and install language packs.


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Language Switcher Language switcher widget by Bogo.


  1. Siirrä koko bogo-kansio /wp-content/plugins/ -hakemistoon.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen (Plugins > Installed Plugins).


My main goal was to find a multi-language plugin that supports REST API using some easy, expected methods to pull the multi-language content. After trying a few language plugins, I realized not many supported REST API, or you needed to pay for it… when I tried Bogo, it was simple and intuitive, no fuss. Getting the language was also super easy through REST API… you can pass in a lang parameter (i.e. [URL]/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?lang=zh OR [URL]/zh/wp-json/wp/v2/posts … ), this is the expected way to get the language you expect…
Bogoで日本語と英語のページを固定ページで作成して運用してましたが、ある日突然日本語ページが”Not found”と”No post”の文字が出てエラーになりました。 ちなみに英語のページは見れます。 色���調べましたが、Bogoプラグインを消したらそのサイトを見れるようになったのでまず間違いなさそうです。どうすればエラーが無くなるでしょうか?
I tried Bogo everal times, the older versions didn’t work for me, or I couldn’t find all the settings. Now I gave it one more try because I’ve had it with Google translate crappy plugins, and it all works! I’m almost done translating my complete site (a lot of work), but the way Bogo is build it is as solid as a rock. Menu translation is done by apointing translated menu items, you can let the menu item to a specific language with a check box. Something you realy have to know, it took me some time to find it. That brings me to the following. A short manual is in place for this plugin. It will realy prevent users to step out and look for another solution. Pitty, becuase it’s a great plugin.
Lue kaikki 41 arvostelua.

Avustajat & Kehittäjät

“Bogo” perustuu avoimeen lähdekoodiin. Seuraavat henkilöt ovat osallistuneet tämän lisäosan kehittämiseen.


“Bogo” has been translated into 15 locales. Kiitoksia kääntäjille heidän työstään.

Käännä “Bogo” omalle kielellesi.

Oletko kiinnostunut kehitystyöstä?

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  • Language switcher: Updates apiVersion to 3 in the block.json file.
  • Lets bogo_http_accept_languages() always return an array.
  • Fixes a bug that makes it impossible to have two sticky posts or more.


  • Language switcher: Adds the language suggestion view.
  • Improves bogo_format_atts().
  • Updates the languages list in bogo_languages() based on translate.wordpress.org.
  • Uses a static list to retrieve language native names.
  • National flags: Drops famfamfam.com icons in favor of Unicode regional indicator symbols.
  • New filter hook: bogo_get_language
  • New filter hook: bogo_get_language_native_name
  • New filter hook: bogo_get_country_code