Bright Colors

To say the Japanese are still taken with preppy style would be to vastly understate their ongoing love affair with our American heritage. Japan’s Popeye magazine editorializes the latest affectation of prep style in their January 2011 edition. Photographed by Junji Hata with styling by Tomoki Sukezane, "Bright Colors" comes together for a smart showing with a playful kick few would dare replicate (count us among the daring)..

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StyleFrederick Castleberry
House of Spades

And Kate and Andy Spade’s fingerprints can be found all over their Park Avenue apartment. Though big enough for them and their daughter Bea, it’s not enormous. It manages to be preppy without the whiff of the restricted country club—a little goofy, whimsical even while still feeling familiar. From their framed family photo gallery displayed on an end table to their quirky collections, their stockpile of books to their hand loomed oriental rugs, it collectively emanates an honest version of themselves...

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StyleFrederick Castleberry