C.W. Dixey & Son

C.W. Dixey & Son of London have been crafting exquisite eyewear for a discriminating and sophisticated clientele since 1777. Founded by William Fraser, the family proudly served as optician to the King or Queen of England. But it wasn’t without its hardships. Despite its resilience throughout recessions, depressions, and wars, dishonesty from within has almost bankrupted the company on several occasions (e.g. an assistant, Mr. Grice, used the premises as a gambling den in the early 1800s). It comes as no wonder their motto is ‘vide verum’—see the truth...

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StyleFrederick Castleberry
A Noble Savage

Creative director.
Interior designer.
Visual merchandiser.

And that's not even the half of him...and by him we mean the slender figure of a dark man who goes by "Ali." Very few people know his real name and even less are allowed to share it. We're in the latter somehow...and it's taken us a year to get there. Despite his expansive aptitude, ask him what he's good at and he'll blurt out "football"—like it's a reflex. Running back, punt returner, wide receiver, free safety...

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