The Nantucket Lobster Trap

It's five o'clock and we have just ordered a two pound lobster. Carl and I, beyond a bit peckish, carry on debating the merits of five pounders. The bigger the better, right? Conventional American wisdom would think so. But not so with these crustaceans. The young man dropping off our beers chips in his two cents. We listen up. After all, he's the only one out of the three of us that has actually eaten a five pound lobster...

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Shaving is a therapeutic experience for us in the morning. The feel of a well-balanced handle in between our fingers, the methodical stroke upon stroke, the rejuvenation—it's a nice ritual. A man can wax introspective while staring himself in the mirror and holding a blade to his throat. However, there is this moment when the romance of it all is lost...

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The Refined Man is Wild at Heart

Every man was once a boy. To carry this adventurous spirit into manhood is of paramount significance in the maturation of our boys. Sadly, today, that insatiable longing to explore is largely but a relic of childhood for many men. The adventurer is the child who survived. He is unapologetically wild at heart. He runs toward danger. Takes risks. Embraces spontaneity. In his book Wild at Heart, John Eldredge shrewdly notes, “Deep in his heart, every man longs for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue”...

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Exploring Istanbul

Last minute travel might be one of the greatest pleasures in life. One day you're on your couch channel surfing and the next, you're on a plane to Iceland, waking up to someone else's sun. It's magic.

We recently indulged in such an Istanbul, though. Iceland will have to wait. "Istanbul in the summer" happened to be number 67 on our 101 in 1,001 list (a short-term bucket list of sorts—101 things to do and places to see in 1,001 days). That means we’re practically obligated to say "yes" when a list item presents itself. That's how the list get to say "yes" before you talk yourself out of it...

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