Tomboy Style

More often than not, we have found ourselves drawn to a woman's sense of style only to find out later that she was a tomboy in her youth. We like to think that it’s a testament to our affinity for menswear or the androgynous northeastern preppy aesthetic—maybe it's completely unrelated. We suspect it's not.

There's actually a really good style blog on the subject: Tomboy Style. What Lizzie Garrett Mettler, its author, proposes is that a tomboy is more than just a girl raiding her father's musky closet...

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Tickled Pink

Sara Kerens, a budding fashion photographer and friend of ours, recently shot a few frames of Fred for her blog series "People I Know." It's quickly becoming a collection of friends in her life doing what she finds to be interesting things. Check it out. We think you might stumble upon a thing or two you didn’t know about Fred before...

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