Summer with The Grey Lady

Maybe it's the therapeutic outdoor morning showers, or the privilege of getting the sunrise before anybody else on the east coast, or the simple fact that it is devoid of a tether to whatever "real world" you left behind at Hyannis. Nantucket is magical in the summer. Worry seems to roll off your shoulders, like beads of sweat erratically migrating down your cocktail...

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Lobster Rolls

It’s finally reeking of summer in New York. That’s right, we're talking about the subways. But there is a silver lining—lobster rolls. Of preppy summer fare, there are few greater and none more satisfying. The best are teeming with fresh lobster and served up in cardboard trays and wax paper. We rolled up to the food truck laager in the Flatiron District last night to usher in the season of leisureliness properly...

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The History of Boast

Nantucket doesn't let you sleep in. At least not in Siasconset. The Sun rises at a quarter past five over the eastern bluff the sleepy village teeters on (one house has already tumbled down the eroding cliff with a handful more sure to follow). Let there be no mistake, we’re of the ilk that enjoys Nantucket by way of work, not exclusively by way of play. But such are most of our travels. We’re hardly interested in jetting off anywhere unless it involves a business write-off...

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