How Can We Help You?

The Federation empowers families so that they have the information and resources they need for their children. We work with families with children from birth to adulthood, providing individual assistance, training, and leadership development and support. We focus on education, early intervention, health care, transitions, children in foster care and group homes, and building strong family engagement to support all children, especially those children with disabilities, those at risk, and those with economic, cultural or linguistic barriers.

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Access information, resources and support for all caregivers including, parent, grandparents, foster parent and guardians and other designated representatives.

Partners & Resources

The Federation is an independent 501(c)3 organization and is supported through grant funding from US Department of Education; US Department Health and Human Services; MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; MA Department of Public Health; MA Rehabilitation Commission; and private donations. The content of this website should not be construed to reflect the opinions or positions of such funding sources.