About families travel free

Helping families travel more
by using
travel rewards

A woman holding a suitcase.

My name is Lyn Mettler.

I’m a longtime entrepreneur and travel journalist for US News & World Report, The TODAY Show, USA TODAY 10Best and Reader’s Digest who never could afford to take my family to all the amazing destinations I wrote about.

But then I discovered the power of travel rewards, and over time, I crafted a simple system that transformed my family’s ability to travel. Since 2015, my family of 4 has been able to travel and fly for free an astounding 6 times every year, traveling throughout the U.S., Caribbean and Europe. 

And that simple system has now helped hundreds of other families do the same.

It’s my mission to help families...

Discover the life-changing joys of travel by reducing the burden of cost, opening up the world, so your kids and grandkids can discover other cultures, see beautiful places and become future travelers themselves.

I created the Families Fly Free and the Meet the Mouse memberships to not only teach families my simple process, but provide them with constant support from a team of experts, the latest travel information to help you save and a community of others with the same goals, creating a family-like atmosphere.

A family walking on the beach at sunset.

Stop overpaying for travel

When you learn and then implement our strategies, you can expect to save thousands of dollars on your travels in just a few months. Depending on how much they travel, our members 5x, 8x or even 10x their investment.

To get started, click below to learn more about Families Fly Free and Meet the Mouse.

Meet the Families Travel Free Team

A woman in a pink shirt standing in front of a wooden door.

Lyn Mettler, CEO & Visionary

Lyn lives in a suburb of Indianapolis with her husband, a high school son and a son who attends Indiana University (go Hoosiers!). We love all kinds of travel: Disney, hiking National Parks and the Rocky Mountains, snorkeling the Caribbean, experiencing history in Europe and more.

A woman in a pink shirt smiling in front of an archway.

Cami Sauder, Integrator

Cami’s role is to ensure everything runs smoothly, and she is also our resident organizational expert. Members love her organizational tips!

She lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with her husband in their empty nest. They have 2 married daughters (one who lives in Norway) and FOUR grandsons. She makes it her goal to be gone from home as much as possible!

A woman with curly hair smiling in front of an archway.

Lisa Whitlaw, Member Support Manager

Lisa’s job is to take care of our members. She lives near Atlanta with her husband, 2 sons (1 in high school and 1 in college) and dog, Beau.

Lisa hosts some of our memberships’ live webinars, Zoom socials, as well as answers our members’ questions via email, text and our community forums​. Lisa is our members’ “go-to” when they need help.

Tom Sauder

Tom Sauder, Audio/Video Editor

Recently retired, Tom is married to Cami and resides in Fort Wayne (when they’re actually home). He never knows which credit cards he has or where he’s going on vacation, but he’s happy to go along for the ride.

He’s most comfortable behind a keyboard editing membership webinars, YouTube videos and podcasts!

A woman with gray hair smiling in front of an archway.

Katie, Content Manager

Katie is San Antonio resident with her husband and twin boys, who are avid baseball players. She joined Families Fly Free as a member and later became a part of the team! She works on planning and creating content for emails, social media and the Families Fly Free podcast.

Tom Sauder

Tom Sauder, Audio/Video Editor

Recently retired, Tom is married to Cami and resides in Fort Wayne (when they’re actually home). He never knows which credit cards he has or where he’s going on vacation, but he’s happy to go along for the ride.

He’s most comfortable behind a keyboard editing membership webinars, YouTube videos and podcasts!