Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Stargard  Poland
Print this page City population: 6568524 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

“HOUSE NEEDED” PROGRAM – program for assisted housing including the “Not alone” program providing people over 55 the possibility to occupy 24 apartments adapted for the disabled. The apartments come equipped with an alert button crutial for seniors living alone who may call for help when needed. The city supports residents of the apartments with costs of living (rent decrease, housing allowance). The caretakers are voluntary members of a non-government organization.
STARGARD SENIOR CARD PROGRAM allows people over 60 to use discounts and rebates offered by institutions tied to the local self-government as well as private institutions willing to join the program.
SENIOR+ HOUSE as a day care center provides services to 20 seniors. The offer encompasses mainly services aimed at care, rehabilitation and inclusion. The facility is especially important for people who go to work during the day and need a place to take care for their senile parents or grandparents. The city is also considering the introduction of respite care for families.
TRANSPORTATION FOR THE ELDERLY organized by the Municipal Transportation Company by BUS TAXI (modified minibuses). The elderly with handicapped movement may use the service to, for example, make their way to the doctor’s office. Additionally, retirees are allowed a 50% discount on public transport tickets, and persons over 70 ride for free.
UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE is a place where seniors may expand their knowledge, actively spend time and integrate. The University organizes a number of different departments catering to their students interests. It also organizes numerous cultural events and voyages across Poland and abroad.
SENIOR CITIZEN CLUBS provide the space to organize senior’s free time. They also provide support for seniors who fgind themselves in bad financial or health situation. They are an initial element of volountary action which the city plans to expand into the Volountary Action Center.
STARGARD SENIOR CITIZEN DAYS is a series of sports and cultural events spread over a couple of days, promoting active forms of spending time among senior citizens as well as cross generational and intergenerational integration.
ENVELOPE OF LIFE containing basic information on an elderly persons health is kept in a place easily accessible to emergency services and makes it easier and faster to provide emergency aid to a single, elderly person.
VACCINATIONS FOT SENIOR CITIZENS are performed as part of a protective program. Senior citizens willing to vaccinate against the flu but are financially incapable may obtain financial aid for the purchase of a vaccine.
MAYOR’S SENIOR CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD is comprised of representatives of NGOs acting on the behalf of the elderly. It is an opinion giving body in the city’s actions for senior citizens.
