Adding life to years
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City of Satellite Beach

City of Satellite Beach

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Satellite Beach  United States of America
Print this page City population: 1041828 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The City of Satellite Beach has implemented several governmental polices and practice that address the livability for all ages, including walk able streets, age friendly beach access, sea-level rise, and the encouragement of universal design for home construction. The city has created several programs that are designed to enhance the quality of life of older adults. Examples include senior fitness and social interaction opportunities managed by the Recreation Department, Senior Volunteer programs with the Police Department, and a robust Community Paramedic program that improves the health status of older adults who wish to stay in their home longer and independent. The City will engage community stakeholders through several prcesses. (1) Engage older adults for feedback during well attended senior activities, (2) Facilitate a stakeholder fourum to abtain feedback, and (3) Citywide survey to not only hear what current senior adults would like to see, but other residents to determine what items would be benifial to them in the future. The City will contribute to the AARP Age-Friendly Community and the W.H.O global network in several ways. (1) We will continue to support the Communities for A Lifetime Initiate, (2) Remain active with the Brevard County Commission on Aging, and (3) Continue to develop policies and programs that enhance the quality of life for older adults that can be shared and replicated in other communities. Satellite Beach became a “Communities for a Lifetime participant in 2007. The City always strives to seek opportunities to improve the quality of life for older adults. The AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities is a logical enhancement to that effort.

Baseline Assessment
