Conservation Practices and Training

Conservation Practices and Training Experts

  1. Brad Kunsman
    Brad Kunsman
    Job Extension Educator, Ag Conservation
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    Job Extension Educator, Ag Conservation
    Areas of expertise
    • Agricultural Best Management Practices
    • Watershed Restoration
    • Water Quality
    • Safe Drinking Water
    • Environmental Education
    • Youth Water Education
    • Leadership Development
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  2. Charles White
    Charles White
    Job Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
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    Job Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
    Areas of expertise
    • Cover Crops
    • Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling
    • Cropping System Modeling
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  3. Chris Canfield
    Chris Canfield
    Job Extension Educator, Ag Conservation Assistance
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    Job Extension Educator, Ag Conservation Assistance
    Areas of expertise
    • Integrated Pest Management
    • Nutrient Management
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  4. Chris Houser
    Chris Houser
    Job Interim Associate Director of Programs
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    Job Interim Associate Director of Programs
    Areas of expertise
    • Bio-Energy
    • Farm Safety
    • Field & Forage Crops
    • Forestry
    • Master Watershed Steward
    • Pesticide Education
    • Urban Forestry
    • Water Quality & Quantity
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  5. Dana Flowers, M.S.
    Dana Flowers, M.S.
    Job Extension Educator - Center for Ag Conservation Assistance Training
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    Job Extension Educator - Center for Ag Conservation Assistance Training
    Areas of expertise
    • Ag Conservation
    • Water Quality
    • Private Drinking Water (wells, springs, cisterns)
    • Pond and Lake Management
    • Onlot Septic Systems
    • Gas Drilling and Private Water Supplies
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  6. Danielle Rhea
    Danielle Rhea
    Job Extension Educator
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    Job Extension Educator
    Areas of expertise
    • Private water supplies
    • Water testing and treatment
    • Nutrient Management Planning
    • Agricultural Water Issues
    • Pond management
    • Stormwater Management
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  7. Elaine Hinrichs
    Elaine Hinrichs
    Job GIS Technical Support Lead and Trainer, Ag Conservation Assistance
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    Job GIS Technical Support Lead and Trainer, Ag Conservation Assistance
    Areas of expertise
    • GIS Skills for Ag Conservation
    • ACAP Administration and Reporting
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  8. Erin Trouba
    Erin Trouba
    Job Extension Educator
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    Job Extension Educator
    Areas of expertise
    • Agricultural Conservation Practices
    • Rural sociology
    • Stakeholder engagement
    • Environmental policy
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  9. Genevieve Christ
    Genevieve Christ
    Job Extension Educator
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    Job Extension Educator
    Areas of expertise
    • Nutrient Management
    • Grazing and Pasture Management
    • Biosecurity
    • Conservation Best Management Practices
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  10. Heidi Reed
    Heidi Reed
    Job Agronomy Educator
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    Job Agronomy Educator
    Areas of expertise
    • Cover crops
    • Planting green
    • Soil health
    • Pasture management
    • Grain crop production
    • On-Farm Research
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  11. Jacob Tomlinson
    Jacob Tomlinson
    Job Extension Educator - Ag Conservation Assistance
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    Job Extension Educator - Ag Conservation Assistance
    Areas of expertise
    • Ag conservation planning and practice design
    • Ag conservation practice implementation and construction inspection
    • Livestock grazing systems
    • Watershed restoration, fish habitat, aquatic organism passage
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  12. Jennifer R Fetter
    Jennifer R Fetter
    Job Director, Center for Agriculture Conservation Assistance Training
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    Job Director, Center for Agriculture Conservation Assistance Training
    Areas of expertise
    • Agricultural Water Resources Issues
    • Youth Water Education & Curriculum Development
    • Conservation Volunteer Management
    • Stormwater Management
    • Safe Drinking Water
    • Innovative Watershed Restoration Approaches
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  13. Jennifer Weld
    Jennifer Weld
    Job Director PAOneStop
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    Job Director PAOneStop
    Areas of expertise
    • Ag. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning
    • Farm Mapping
    • Nutrient and Manure Management
    • Phosphorus Index
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  14. Justin Brackenrich
    Justin Brackenrich
    Job Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
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    Job Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
    Areas of expertise
    • Nutrient Management
    • Hay/ Pasture Management
    • Summer Annual Forages
    • Pesticide Education
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  15. Kristen Koch
    Kristen Koch
    Job Program Manager, Penn State Agriculture & Environment Center
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    Job Program Manager, Penn State Agriculture & Environment Center
    Areas of expertise
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  16. Leanna Duppstadt
    Leanna Duppstadt
    Job Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
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    Job Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
    Areas of expertise
    • Grazing/Pasture Management
    • Forage Production
    • Nutrient Management
    • Integrated Pest Management
    • Agricultural Water Quality
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  17. Leon Ressler
    Leon Ressler
    Job Extension Educator, Agronomy
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    Job Extension Educator, Agronomy
    Areas of expertise
    • Ag Systems
    • Agriculture/Environment
    • Nutrient Management
    • Water Quality
    • Composting
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  18. Robert Meinen
    Robert Meinen
    Job Assistant Research Professor
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    Job Assistant Research Professor
    Areas of expertise
    • Nutrient and Manure Management
    • Manure Hauler Certification
    • Agricultural Air Quality
    • Agricultural Odors
    • Swine Industry
    • Pork Quality Assurance
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  19. Sarah Frame
    Sarah Frame
    Job Extension Educator, Agronomy
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    Job Extension Educator, Agronomy
    Areas of expertise
    • Entomology
    • Integrated Pest Management
    • Nutrient Management
    • Field Crops
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  20. Tyler A. Groh, Ph.D.
    Tyler A. Groh, Ph.D.
    Job Assistant Research Professor
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    Job Assistant Research Professor
    Areas of expertise
    • Watershed Management
    • Water Quality
    • Nitrogen Cycle
    • Biogeochemistry
    • Conservation Practices
    • Soil-Water Interactions
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