
Questions About Your Pesticide Points?

Is your pesticide license due to expire on March 31? Not sure how many points you need? Do you need to find upcoming meetings? Here's a simple way to check!
January 23, 2024

This time of year, Extension offices are flooded with calls from farmers asking questions about the number of credits they need to maintain their applicator's license, and where they can find additional meetings. For private applicators, licenses expire on March 31 (on a 3-year cycle), so winter meeting season is an ideal time to obtain the necessary recertification credits. So, how do you know if you've met the requirements, and are able to renew your license? The answer can be found on your computer-just a few short clicks away!

The PaPlants website is a great place to obtain all kinds of information about your pesticide license. Once on their main page, I would encourage you to register to login into the site. This feature will give you the ability to view all the meetings where you received credits, renew your license by paying with a credit card, and a variety of other tasks.

The first step would be to register on the PaPlants site. In order to do that, you will need your PaPlants ID and PIN numbers. Your PaPlants ID and PIN are printed on your renewal form. If you do not have your renewal form, you can contact the department at 717-787-4843. To login or register, click on Logon/Register at the bottom left of the screen.

Screen shot of PaPlants log in webpage, arrow showing "register" button

Once you have registered and selected your User Name and Password, you will be able to login to the site.

Screen shot of PaPlants log in webpage, highlighting the username and password boxes to fill in

From there, you will have access to your account, and can view past attended meetings, renew your license, etc. Here is an example of a screen where an applicator can renew their license:

Screen shot of PaPlants member account webpage with arrow highlighting the "license(s) needing renewal" section

Renewal fees for your license are processed with a credit card payment. The beauty of this system is that your renewal is processed automatically….you can attend meetings and start to accumulate credits right away!

If you believe that you've earned more credits than what is reflected on the system, you can also view past meetings where you have accumulated credits.

If you choose not to create a login, you can still access the number of credits you need, and when your license will expire. All you need is your applicator ID number and your last name.

From the PA Plants main website, from the menu on the left, select Pesticide Programs, then Applicator Credit/Business Information:

Screen shot of PaPlant homepage showing how to find "Applicator Credit Information"

From there you simply enter your applicator ID number and last name, and you will have access to when your license expires, and the number of credits you need (or if you've already met your requirements).

The website is also a great way to look for upcoming meetings. By using the Recertification Course Locator (located just under the Applicator Information button), you can customize a search for meetings in certain counties, by the type of credits given (core, private category, fumigation, etc.). In the example below, I've searched for upcoming meetings that offer private category (PC) credits in Lancaster County:

Screen shot of PAPlants homepage and how to find "Recertification Course Locator" for upcoming meetings offering credits

Chances are, when you call the Extension Office and speak to us looking for meetings, we're surfing this very site as we're talking to you!

So, whether your license is due to expire in 2024 or not, I'd encourage you to take some time and explore the PA Plants website; it has a lot to offer. See you at a pesticide meeting soon!

Dwane Miller
Former Extension Educator, Agronomy
Pennsylvania State University