
Pennsylvania's Digital Water Atlas

An interactive online atlas of statewide water resources and use trends to inform and educate Pennsylvanians on the sustainable use of our lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater.
February 13, 2023

The Pennsylvania Water Atlas is an excellent tool for educators and decision-makers. It was first released in 2009 as a printed atlas. In 2022, it was updated and re-released as a digital StoryMap. The new version s shares data on PA's statewide water use from 2008 to 2020.

Cover of the 2009 Pennsylvania Water Atlas - Image Courtesy of PA DEP

The 2009 Printed Water Atlas. Image Courtesy of PA DEP

The Water Atlas is designed to be both a planning tool and an educational resource. It provides information on many factors that may negatively or positively affect Pennsylvania's water resources quality and quantity. In the atlas, you can find data about public drinking water supplies, power generation, industrial operations, fossil fuel extraction, commercial and institutional purposes, irrigation, livestock, and wastewater treatment. You'll also find data on climate change impacts, Environment Justice areas for each of the six water planning regions, drought trends, and more.

We encourage you to visit the Pennsylvania Digital Water Atlas and explore the data available for your community. You can find geology, land cover, population change, and more on maps and graphics that are easy to understand and interact with. Students could also use this tool to research the potential causes of water quality issues in their community.

As the Atlas states, water is a shared resource and a shared responsibility.

Director, Center for Agriculture Conservation Assistance Training
  • Agricultural Water Resources Issues
  • Youth Water Education & Curriculum Development
  • Conservation Volunteer Management
  • Stormwater Management
  • Safe Drinking Water
  • Innovative Watershed Restoration Approaches
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