
Opportunities for Farmers to Receive Free Legal Services

This article details a great resource for growers to utilize for guidance on agritourism.
October 3, 2023

The Penn State Law Rural Economic Development Clinic provides law students with practical legal experience in the food and agricultural sectors. Working under the close supervision of law faculty and staff attorneys who are licensed Pennsylvania attorneys, student attorneys can assist farmers and agricultural businesses in a variety of legal matters.

The Rural Economic Development Clinic is now accepting applications for its Fall 2023 semester and is looking to assist farmers and agricultural businesses who are engaged in agritourism operations or the direct sale of agricultural products. To take advantage of this opportunity, interested individuals and organizations should send an email to Ross Pifer at providing a detailed explanation of the specific legal services desired along with appropriate background information. Priority will be given to those applications received by October 10, 2023. The Clinic may not be able to provide services to all who request, but we will do our best to serve the greatest number of clients possible - consistent with our resources and the legal expertise of the student attorneys.

Any questions regarding the Rural Economic Development Clinic can be directed to Ross Pifer at