
Nutrition Links - Teaching People to Eat Better for Less

Penn State Extension Nutrition Links offers free nutrition education to people eligible for public assistance to gain knowledge and skills necessary to achieve a healthful diet on a limited budget.

Nutrition Links - Teaching People to Eat Better for Less

Length: 00:05:51

Penn State Extension Nutrition Links offers free nutrition education to people eligible for public assistance to gain knowledge and skills necessary to achieve a healthful diet on a limited budget.

Participants are taught in small or large groups or individually. Programs are tailored to be appropriate for the age, culture, reading ability, and physical or developmental limitations of a particular audience.

Learn more about the Nutrition Links program on our website, or connect with us on Facebook.

Nutrition Links staff teach thousands of Pennsylvania's limited resource citizens with much-needed education on topics of food and nutrition, food safety, food preparation, and food budgeting The big thing now with the economy is stretching their food dollars it really helps them get the most out of their food dollars and provide the most healthy meals for their families and themselves programs help participants end the cycle of dependency on emergency food as well as the cycles of poor nutrition poor health and poor quality of life this is done by increasing knowledge of basic nutrition increasing ability to select and prepare nutritional foods improving food safety practices increasing ability to manage food budget and resources and increasing frequency of healthy food choices it's really important because a lot of people just aren't sure there's so much nutrition information out there and they have no idea what's real and what's not real with the support of community partners Nutrition Links provides program lessons food demonstrations and hands-on cooking experiences to groups and individuals the program is really important for families to get involved in because it helps! It helps with living a healthier lifestyle so the obesity rate can go down that gives them vitamins and nutrients they need for a healthier life advisors use research based curriculum and hands-on learn by doing techniques to help participants gain the skills they need to make positive changes they get happy when they know they are saving money and their having more money at the end of the month and sometimes when we help them with that just little things like food dollars they can figure out where to spend that somewhere else programs are tailored to be appropriate age culture reading ability and physical or developmental limitations of a particular audience program participants also gained job readiness parenting and socialization skills many of them also want to keep coming because they just enjoyed being with other people in the group and so they often say can i come back? We're like bring a friend and you can be a volunteer you do learn something each time you come to a Nutrition Links class Nutrition Links is part of the community it serves and works hard to improve the lives of those in it.

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