
Harvest Calendar

This calendar will assist with matching your production with your marketing.
December 22, 2022
Fruit or Vegetable Months
Apples End of July through end of October
Asparagus May through beginning of June
Beans End of June through beginning of October
Beets Mid-July through end of November
Blueberries End of July through 3rd week in September
Broccoli End of June through end of November
Cabbage End of June through end of November
Carrots End of July through end of November
Cauliflower July and August, October and November
Cucumbers Mid-July through Mid-September
Cherries 2nd week in June through end of July
Mid-July through Mid-October
Eggplant Mid-July through Mid-October
Grapes Mid-August through end of October
Lettuce Mid-June through 3rd week in October
Melons August through 3rd week in September
Onions Mid-July through Mid-October
Peaches Mid-July through 3rd week in September
Pears 2nd week in August through 3rd week in October
Peas 2nd week in June through end of July
Peppers Mid-July through Mid-October
Plums Mid-August through end of September
Potatoes Mid-July through end of October
Pumpkins September and October
Raspberries July and September through 3rd week in October
Radishes May through 1st week in November
Strawberries June through 1st week in July
Spinach May through 1st week in July and
3rd week in August through end of October
Squash July through 1st week in November
Tomatoes 2nd week in July through 3rd week in October
John Berry
Former Extension Educator, Business Management
Pennsylvania State University