
Disinfesting Tools, Equipment, Pots, Flats and Benches

Disinfestants are chemicals that kill or inactivate pathogens before plant infection occurs. Disinfestants are used to decontaminate equipment surfaces or plant surfaces. This article addresses the disinfestation of equipment.
July 5, 2023

First, prewash tools, equipment, pots, flats, and benches to remove soil and plant debris because disinfestants do not penetrate these well. Once cleaned, disinfest equipment with a method or material noted in the table below. Finally, store clean, dry tools on clean newspaper or plastic sheeting or in an empty, clean container. Or you can hang them up, so they do not become contaminated with soil or plant debris.

A non-chemical method of disinfestation is the use of steam or dry heat.  This method is used to disinfest potting soil and reused materials like pots, flats, or other containers. 

Several chemicals can be used to disinfest surfaces. Most of the materials listed below are registered as pesticides with the EPA. Follow the instructions on the label of disinfestants; the label will explain the methods of product application, the time required for the product to disinfest, and any personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements.  Also, read the label to determine if the products should be rinsed with clear water following treatment.  After treatment, allow the equipment to air dry. 

Here are a few more tips:

  • Do not walk on greenhouse potting soil, benches, or equipment that must be kept free of soilborne plant pathogens unless your shoes have been dipped in disinfestant, covered with sterile booties, or wrapped in clean plastic.
  • When using pruning tools, disinfestants can be carried in a squeeze or spray bottle or poured into dipping cups. Thoroughly wet the tool’s cutting surfaces with the disinfestant, then allow the tool to drain and air dry. If sap or resin builds up on the tool, scrub this off with a rag that is kept in the disinfestant. Then dip, pour, or spray more disinfestant onto the tool. Let it drain and air dry, or let it soak in the disinfectant for the time specified on the label. When pruning specifically to remove diseased plant parts, it is best to alternately use two tools so that one can soak in disinfestant while the second is in use.
Materials and Methods of Disinfesting Equipment
Material Application Target Pests
Steam or Dry Heat Heat materials to 180-200°F for 30 minutes under a cover to contain the heat Bacteria, Fungi, Insects, Nematodes, Weeds
70% Alcohol
(grain, rubbing, or wood alcohol)
Dip or swab the object and let dry. Do not rinse. Bacteria, Fungi, Nematodes
Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox* EPA reg. no. 5813-50) Mix 1 gallon in 9 gallons of water. Dip, spray, or brush on and let drain. Rinse metal objects to prevent corrosion. Bacteria, Fungi, Nematodes
Hydrogen Dioxide
(ZeroTol* EPA reg. no. 70299-1, TerraClean* EPA reg. no 70299-5)
Mix as directed by the label. Dip, spray, or brush on or soak the tool. Rinsing is not required to prevent the corrosion of metal. Bacteria, Fungi, Nematodes
Quaternary Ammonium (Green-Shield* EPA reg. no. 499-368; Physan*) Wash floors, benches, cutting knives, and other impervious surfaces.

*Trade Name

Gary W. Moorman, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Pennsylvania State University