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1 - 2 of 2 results for: ME203

ME 203: Design and Manufacturing

ME203 is intended for any graduate student, from any field of study, who may want the opportunity to design and prototype a physical project of meaning to them. Undergraduate mechanical engineering and product design students should register for ME103. Students are asked to discover a product with meaning to them; develop a point of view which motivates a redesign of that product; manufacture a series of models, multiple candidates, including sketches, product use stories, rapid prototypes, CAD documents, manufacturing test models, and finally a customer ready prototype. Each student will physically create their product using Product Realization Lab resources, and also redesign their product for scaled manufacturing to develop a knowledge of manufacturing processes, design guidelines, materials choices, and the opportunities those processes provide. The student's body of work will be presented in a large public setting, Meet the Makers, through an inspirational portfolio which shares and reflects on their product realization adventure.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 4

ME 219: The Magic of Materials and Manufacturing

ME219 is intended for graduate students who anticipate imagining and creating new products and who are interested in how to make the leap from making one to making many. Through a combination of lectures, weekly factory field trips, and multimedia presentations the class will help students acquire foundational professional experience with materials and materiality, manufacturing processes, and the business systems inside factories. We hope to instill in students a deep and life-long love of materials and manufacturing in order to make great products and tell a good story about each one. This class assumes basic knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes which result from taking ENGR 50, ME203, or equivalent course or life experience. This course is intended for graduate students only.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3
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