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STRAMGT 366: Startup Garage: Testing and Launch

(Same as BIOE 377) In this intensive, hands-on, project-based course, teams continue to develop their ventures based on a user need that they validated in advance of the course. They build out more elaborate versions of their prototypes and Business Model Canvas; test hypotheses about the product/service, business model, value proposition, customer acquisition, revenue generation, and fundraising; and deliver a fundraising pitch to a panel of investors. Students develop entrepreneurial skills as they 1) get out of the building and gather insights from users, investors, and advisors, 2) make decisions about pivoting, 3) work through their operating plans and unit economics, 4) test go-to-market strategies, 5) consider equity splits, 6) learn term sheet negotiations, and 7) practice their pitches. PREREQUISITE: STRAMGT 356 / BIOE 376 or team application. See details and apply at http://startupgarage.stanford.edu/details (login required).
Terms: Win | Units: 4
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