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1 - 1 of 1 results for: GSBGEN 496

GSBGEN 496: Leadership for Society Seminar

In this quarter long seminar, we explore the structures of society from the perspective of leaders interested in the effective design and delivery of policy initiatives with public purpose in government, private sector, and non-profit realms. This seminar is designed to help students take a step back and contemplate the big picture and hone their vision as a leader. The course is designed to support the work of the Stanford GSB Leadership for Society Scholars and includes an asynchronous lecture component by guest experts. Participants are expected to complete readings and to submit questions for the visiting expert ahead of each session. Resources (articles, papers, suggested electives) will be provided for further independent exploration of the topics discussed. The course empowers aspiring leaders for Society to design their Stanford GSB learning journey with their societal leadership goals in mind. By the end of the course, students will: -Begin to develop an understanding of the world in terms of systems and to identify leverage points in the system - Have a better understanding of the landscape of US public institutions, their strengths and weaknesses as it relates to serving society - Understand the necessity and challenges of tri-sector (business, government, non-profit) collaborations and identify the skills needed to facilitate public/private partnerships - Be able to define the core problem to be addressed and to identify the underlying theory of change of proposed policies - Make sense of the US policy development process - Understand US public finance and be able to identify sources of funding that can be leveraged for social issues - Understand the portfolio of options available to business to get involved in social problem solving - Be able to understand a variety of effective research methodologies and to develop a research project plan - The lecture component is open to all students and is offered on a remote basis. It is recorded and can be taken asynchronously as needed.
Terms: Win | Units: 1
Instructors: Lowery, B. (PI)
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