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1 - 1 of 1 results for: Forecasting for Innovators: Exponential Technologies, Tools and Social

ME 297: Forecasting for Innovators: Exponential Technologies, Tools and Social Transformation

First we invent our technologies - and then we use our technologies to reinvent ourselves, as individuals, as communities and as entire societies. This cycle is at the heart of the innovation process, yielding technologies from the steam engine to the microprocessor that deliver both vast benefits and equally vast disruption. The cumulative impact of this cycle has brought us to an "exponential moment" in which a broad suite of exponentially-advancing technologies are poised to transform global society in ways unimaginable even a decade or two ago. This class will employ a suite of quantitative and qualitative foresight methods to understand the future of exponential technologies and their impact. Specifically, students will learn how forecast long-term trends, identify hidden opportunities, develop responsive innovations and anticipate unintended consequences. Students will produce a long-range forecast project, applying a variety of methodologies including scenario planning, cross-impact analysis, expert judgement elicitation and design thinking tools.
Terms: Win | Units: 3
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