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Leslie Ann Field

Leslie Ann Field (650) 823-2020
Personal bio
Dr. Leslie Field is an Adjunct Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, and the Founder and CTO of Ice911 Research. She is an inventor with 58 US patents who once worked at Chevron Research getting the lead out of gasoline, and worked as Project Lead in MEMS (MIcroElectroMechanical Systems)at HP Labs/Agilent Labs, making billion dollar impacts across industries. Subsequently, she founded two successful technical MEMS consulting companies, MEMS Insight and SmallTech Consulting, as well as Ice911 Research, an environmental nonprofit working to restore Arctic ice. Leslie earned her BS and MS in Chemical Engineering from MIT and her MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from UC Berkeley, with a minor in Materials Science. Come join us to hear fascinating guest lecturers and share ideas and progress on engineering and entrepreneurial approaches to address climate change. Topics typically include climate change, funding and start-ups, engineering approaches to complex problems, energy systems, regional climate change challenges, green building, solar energy, electric vehicles, environmental engineering, water quality, and climate restoration approaches. Open to undergraduate and graduate students. Auditors welcome.

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