New Supernatural video offers behind-the-scenes look at the final episodes

Photo: cw

Everyone's favorite post-production team is at it again. The Shaving People, Punting Things YouTube account has released a new video offering a look at Supernatural's final episodes, both in front of and behind the camera.

The series, which has already finished filming, has seven episodes left to air before audiences say goodbye to Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack, and the many other characters that they've gotten to know over the past 15 years. The new video gives a behind-the-scenes look at some of the bloody action still to come, while also previewing a bit of what's in store for the Winchesters. (Hint: There's whiskey involved.)

It's clear from the look of things that there are tough times ahead for Sam and Dean, but thankfully they'll have a handful of friends by their side, including Billie, Donna, and Charlie, among others. And then there's Amara, but it's yet to be seen whether we can call her a friend.

Watch the video above. Supernatural returns Thursday, Oct. 8, on the CW.

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