Melissa McCarthy battles Kelly Clarkson in Gilmore Girls trivia with embarrassing results

Sookie St. James would be crying a little, and probably blubbering if she saw Melissa McCarthy fail at Gilmore Girls trivia. McCarthy played against super fan Kelly Clarkson on the latter's eponymous TV show on Wednesday, and the comedic actress seems to have mostly forgotten about her time on the popular WB/CW comedy.

Gilmore Girls followed the lives of single mom Lorelai Gilmore (Lauren Graham) and her daughter Rory (Alexis Bledel) from 2000-2007. McCarthy played Lorelai's bubbly best friend St. James for 122 episodes, leaving in 2010 to lead her own show Mike and Molly on CBS.

GILMORE GIRLS, Melissa McCarthy, (Season 1), 2000-2007, photo: u00A9 Warner Bros./Everett Collection
Everett Collection

"Next to Miss. Pattie's out in the grass, like at a picnic," McCarthy responds correctly when the announcer asks where Jackson proposed to Sookie. "Fun fact: That was supposed to be at noon, and we shot at like one o'clock in the morning. So we were juts under like crazy klieg lights trying to make it look like daylight. So we couldn't really look at each other because it was so bright."

Watch Clarkson completely slay McCarthy at Gilmore Girls trivia in the video clip above.

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