A Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker set visit spoiled the movie for Josh Gad

Too much of a good thing.

Visiting a movie set comes with perks, for sure, but for the spoiler-phobic, they also come with hazards. Just listen to Josh Gad recount the time he got to be on set for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker when he had the big secret spoiled for him.

Gad spent years trying to get Star Wars spoilers out of his pal Daisy Ridley since their days acting together in Murder on the Orient Express. So, perhaps this was karma coming back to bite him.

Ridley wanted Gad to visit the Star Wars set, but Gad’s schedule kept postponing the opportunity. Finally, they found a date, but it ended up being the worst possible day for Gad, given how he wanted to keep the big surprise a surprise.

“I’m so excited to see, you know, like them getting onto the Millennium Falcon or just something crazy,” Gad told Conan O’Brien on the comic’s talk show. “And I get there and Ian McDiarmid is in his Palpatine outfit. This next part is going to be a spoiler alert for those of you who’ve not seen Star Wars.” Again, spoiler alert! “So, I’m there and the first dialogue that comes out of his mouth is, ‘You are my granddaughter.'”

“I was f—ing pissed,” Gad went on, comparing the big reveal to the Bruce Willis twist in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Sixth Sense. He added, “I feel so honored but also so disrespected at the same time that you would think I wouldn’t want to experience that with an audience.”

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