Watch the start of the Survivor: Island of the Idols premiere

The Survivor: Island of the Idols premiere is almost upon us. How close is it? So close that we already released an exclusive sneak peek at the episode. And so close that you can now also watch the first few minutes of the episode.

If you were still curious or confused about how the return of icons Sandra Diaz-Twine and Boston Rob Mariano was going to work, this introduction to the season should clear things up. In it, we see Rob and Sandra tempting players to take them on in a challenge in the hopes of winning advantages such as an idol that can be used at one of the next three Tribal Councils. But we also see Sandra appear to console someone who just lost a vote at their next Tribal Council, presumably for coming up short against the legends.

As if getting all that is not enough, you also get to witness Sandra explaining how “It’s about time the queen teaches others some of her tricks,” and, of course, the money shot of Jeff Probst hanging out of a helicopter to deliver his infamous “39 days, 20 people, one Survivor” line.

It’s Survivor! Survivor is back! Enjoy the first few minutes above and then check out the entire episode Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.

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