Run a mile or free ice cream? Belcher kids face conundrum in new Bob's Burgers clip

What would you do if you were forced to run a mile on the same day as Free Ice Cream Day?

EW has an exclusive clip of the grueling dilemma facing the Belcher kids in Sunday's episode of Bob's Burgers entitled "The Gene Mile," where Tina, Gene, Louise and the rest of their Wagstaff school classmates are told by Louise's nemesis Mr. Frond they have to run a mandatory mile.

The announcement met with immediate disapproval from the exercise-averse kids, especially as it's on the same day that ice-cream shops will have free scoops on offer. This leaves Louise and Regular Sized Rudy particularly steamed, but never fear as the youngest Belcher is known to often outsmart the Wagstaff adults and she takes the lead on hatching a scoop-tastic plan for the kids to get their free ice cream. Meanwhile, Belcher parents Bob and Linda desperately try to get discount tickets to a show at the Wharf Arts Center.

The Belcher kids have had quite a few harrowing adventures in the ninth season that ends May 12, including hunting down a Halloween candy thief, defending their snow-covered sledding hill from older kids and saving a pardoned turkey from slaughter.

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